Monday, May 18, 2015

One of our church members is a missionary to Nepal.  He returned there last year after a year long sabbatical in Pryor.    Because he served as our associate pastor and because we love him and his parents, our church was vitally interested in what was happening in Nepal and especially to him, his wife and children.  Their little boy had to have some stitches, but none of them were seriously harmed.  Thank God.  Thousands lost their lives.

They reported an interesting event that could only have been orchestrated by God himself.  There is an organization called the Baptist Global Alliance that goes everywhere in the world when there is a disaster.  They are funded by our tithes and offerings.  Their mission is to do what the Red Cross is doing--in the name of Christ.  It is hard to believe in the coincidence, but they were training in Nepal when the quake hit.   They were on the spot as a relief team immediately.  They had been preparing to leave, but instead, they went to work.
The Baptist Convention has put together relief teams in each of the states in America.  They are manned by volunteers (anyone) who will train and perform to do disaster relief.  A few years ago, the Oklahoma team came to Pryor when we were devastated by an ice storm.  Trees and limbs were blocking roads.  Trees had fallen on houses and lawns.  It was a mess, and we had to have help.

Men came from all over the state with chain saws, pickups and went from house to house clearing rubble.  No charge.  Not even for the gasoline to get here. They do the same thing when we have tornados.  They were present in New Orleans for Katrina.  They stay very busy.  If you are wondering what one person can do to help, volunteer!!  There are all sorts of organizations that do good work.

One person can only say, "What can I do to help?"  A team can actually accomplish something.  Our good works around the world identify us as the people of God.  And those who have been helped will never forget that the people who love Christ came--when they were needed--and donated food, water, shelter, blankets, and helping hands in the name of Jesus.  No charge.  Free.  Just like salvation.  Check with your church, maybe they have some similar relief organizations.

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