Monday, May 25, 2015

"Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."  Ecclesiastes 9:10

I like to watch shows on television where people are doing something.  Making something.  Teaching something.  I admire people who have learned a trade.  Even if they are employed in some other field.  I have been watching tile layers, painters, appliance installers, vent cleaners, granite fitters, gutter repairmen, etc. for the past three months as they have worked on my new house.

I can't do any of that stuff.  They do it with such ease.

That's how it is when you know what you are doing.  It looks easy.  But when you try it yourself, that's another story.  I can paint.  The rest of all that stuff, someone else has to do.

I took my car in to have a couple of dings fixed.  Someone backed into me at church.  The guy that is going to fix it drove me home and I asked him, "Are you any good at fixing dings in cars?"

"Yes, I am."  He said with confidence.  "I'm going to college right now, but in the summer I like to work on cars."

Ephesians 4: 28  "...rather let him work with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that has needs."

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