I have written over 930 messages to you. I think I have told you everything I know. Well, maybe not everything. But it is getting harder and harder to think of something I haven't already said. Maybe I should go back and refine some of my early blogs for those of you who have joined me lately.
I am still in the book of 1Samuel in my Bible class. It is a history book about Eli the prophet, Samuel the prophet and Saul--the first king of Israel. And David--who would later become king.
I am a poor historian so it has been difficult for me to teach this book. But I have learned. And have been encouraged that a man as flawed as David could be called "A Man after God's own heart." That means that there is hope for the rest of us.
David was of the tribe of Judah--which became the linage of Jesus. (Remember that there were twelve tribes, named after the sons of Jacob. Jacob was the son of Isaac--the son of promise given to Abraham and Sarah. Who were the first Israelites.)
In our lesson today, we looked at a lie that David told a priest that cost the life of that priest, 84 other priests and all their wives and children. Hundreds. (1Samuel 22) Only one priest's son escaped. David's sin had cost the lives of all of those people. David was broken at what he had done and what it had cost in the lives of innocent people. He was repentant. Which is probably why God loved him. God looks on the heart.
You never know what the far reaching implications of a lie might lead to. That's why one of the ten commandments is, "You shall not bear false witness." Probably a good idea to stick to the truth.
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