Tuesday, May 8, 2018

I edited and sent my blog this morning but my Mac said I had made an error.  I lost the entire thing.  I have no idea what I wrote.  Probably God's way of telling me to write something different.  It was frustrating to say the least.  I write at night, edit and publish in the morning.

My friend Carolyn called to tell me that a frog doesn't have double vision.  (From yesterday's post.)  She is so good to edit my editing.  I changed it, so if you didn't read it yesterday you will no longer be able to see what I wrote.  I said, "I drove to Tulsa in a frog strangling rain with double vision."  I corrected to say, "I drove to Tulsa in a frog strangling rain, and I had double vision."  Good friend.  She wants to make me look good.

Sunday, I taught my class, ran home to change clothes and went to a track meet.  I had to park a block from the gate.  Where I was supposed to sit was a block east of the gate.  I didn't make it.  I was taking a step, stopping (and in trouble) when Jon saw me and came to get me.  I couldn't go forward, and I couldn't go back.  He half carried me to the stands and got me settled.  He is huge.  All muscle.  I am small, and all spindly bones.  I got to see Brady run (He's six), then Jon went to get my car and helped me get across the field to the gate.  I hate this.  I want my old body back--the one that worked and let me do what I want to do.

I went to see the spine guy a couple of weeks ago and he said, "Janie, your back is shot."  And I said, "Tell me something I don't already know."  Physical Therapy for eighteen months didn't help.  So now they are giving me Lyrica which just makes me sleepy and hasn't helped.  I can't do injections because they have steroids in them which lowers your immune system.  And that puts me back in the hospital with my arm all infected.   So......next step surgery.  Bummer.  Maybe Jesus will come back soon.  Yes, I'm whining.  I'm frustrated.  I'm sure you have been there, too.

Otherwise, I'm great.  It doesn't hurt for the first fifteen minutes I am on my feet.  So I can still garden.  Thank God.  I'm going to get the shovel right now.  I'm living fifteen minutes on, then fifteen minutes off.  It's working.  And I can pedal my new recumbent bike for 30 minutes with no pain.

God is good.

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