Wednesday, May 2, 2018

We have had a three night "Old Folk" revival at the church.  I really enjoyed going.  The music was fantastic, and the speaker was over the top stupendous.  He was a stand up, old-fashioned comedian.  But able to get the word of God out, along with the humor.  The entire audience gave him their rapt attention the entire time he spoke.  He was that good.  (Dr. Ernie Perkins)

It's one thing to preach.  It's another thing entirely to reach an audience.  You have to have a thing that we call "Presence."  And he had it.  He was riveting.   In spite of a speech impediment--which he used to make us laugh.  And laugh we did.  Not at him, but with him.

It is refreshing to hear a man of God that tells it like it is without looking like a sad sack.  God's news is good news.  It should make us happy.  Fill us with joy.

Yes, I agree, it is a sad condition to be without Jesus in your life.  But why would anyone want to come to Him if He is constantly presented to the world as a misery, doom and death sentence.  He is a life sentence.  A happy life sentence.  He saves us from misery, doom and death.  Forever.

I thank God for laughter.  What a wonderful gift.

I am really glad I know Him.  I hope you know Him, too.

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