Thursday, May 17, 2018

I have written to you 1,392 times.  That is an unbelievable number of things I have said.  It is well over four books.  Mercy!!  I guess I had a lot to say.  I think I've said it all.  It all started over two verses.  Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.

1.  "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
2.  "And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the   Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

I had been teaching seniors, and their questions about evolution theory had stumped me.  So I began to dissect Genesis.  It immediately occurred to me that "created works" couldn't be 1. Without form,
2. void, and 3. Dark.  Something had happened between verse one and verse two!!

Formless, void and dark.  Why would a perfect God create a mess like that?  Thus began my journey over fifty years ago into the science of the world we live in.  And the written words in Genesis.

It led to a degree in Zoology.  An interest in carbon dating and strata.  And the realization that God didn't tell us about the years before Adam.  I couldn't help but wonder if those years fit between verse one and two, and the destruction of the created work in verse one led to the mess in verse two.

You have to have an unmovable faith that the Bible is true from cover to cover.  I did.  And slowly the pieces of the dinosauric ages began to fit into God's word like fingers in a glove.

The seven days spoken about in Genesis emerged in perfect order for a repopulated earth full of new kinds of creatures who were very different from animals in former times.  Biblically validated.

It was a journey.  I emerged totally amazed that the writer of Genesis got it so perfectly in order.  A writer who knew nothing of what we now know.  But God created it, then he inspired someone to write some words about what he had done.  Not all of what He had done.  Just enough to whet my appetite.  (I've written in length about it.  Go back to the first things I wrote if you're interested.)

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