Friday, May 4, 2018

I messed up, went to Pryor, forgot to post this before I left.

When I work at the Antique Store, if it is easily done and not pushy, I usual ask, "Are you a Christian kind of person?  If you are, you might like to read my blog."  And I tell them my cards are on the counter.  "Get one when you leave if you are interested."

I always say, "Christian kind of person."  It doesn't put anyone on the spot.  If you say, "Are you a Christian," it sounds like you are getting ready to pounce on them.

I'd say that it is about 50/50 who say yes.  Yesterday, someone said, "Well, I was raised Christian.  But not much anymore."  I wondered what that meant.  I didn't ask.  How can you be "not much?"  I'd say you either are or you aren't.  I left that one alone.

Since it is another person's store, I don't want to say  much.  But you would be amazed at how many people want to talk about it.  Where they go, where I go, etc.  And twice, out of about 20 people who wanted to talk, they wanted to know where my class met.  One lady said, "I'm really interested in this.  Can I take you to lunch?"

I told her she didn't have to pay for my lunch!!  She said she wanted to talk some more but didn't have time right then--she would call me.  We'll see.

God puts people in your path.  You have to be in the "Reach Out" mode.  That's what we are called to do.  Invite people.  Always putting yourself out there.  Make new friends.  "Work it by putting out feelers."  That's what Christ called us to do.

One woman told me, "I'm too embarrassed to do that.  I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself."  I told her, "So what.  What do you have to lose.  Make a fool of yourself for Jesus."

That's my motto.  I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.  There's nothing foolish about caring for people.

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