Monday, May 7, 2018

I was driving the turnpike to Tulsa in a frog-strangling rain when I got double vision.  Couldn't tell which stripe I was seeing--that was the side stripe of the road.  Geeze Louise!!  It wasn't pretty.  Finally realized that if I closed one eye, I didn't see double.  Drove all the way to Tulsa through the rain and construction--Huge construction for twenty miles--with one eye closed.  I've seen worse, but not with one eye.  I don't know how veterans who lose an eye do it.  God bless them.

Found out it was just a different kind of migraine.  I always get sparkles with colors and zigzags that narrow to tunnel vision.  But the ophthalmologist said it was a compound something or other type of migraine.  But strangely, since I had heart surgery, they don't go to the pain stage anymore.  Praise God.  Enough of that.

 Sunday, I taught a lesson on enduring suffering, and using your experiences to help others.  Everyone in the class participated.  It was a great group and a great lesson.  We had a new person.  She loved it, said she wanted to join us and join the church as well.  She was excited--I have to admit, this group of women are awesome.  I might add, in my church--and most every church I know--you don't have to be a member of the church to join a connection group.  So if you are in Edmond, come on down to the 1st Baptist at 33rd and Bryant and come to room 114 at 11AM.

Suffering isn't fun.  But it brings you in contact with others who are going through the same thing and allows you comfort to know that you aren't the only one.  And if your episode is behind you, you can give comfort to those going through it.  You understand.  And you also can attest to the fact that God is good--you will get through it.  It may be painful, or sad, or uncomfortable, or difficult, but you are not alone.  God knows your name.

II Corinthians 1:6-7 " We are in deep trouble (for bringing you God's comfort and salvation.)  But in our trouble, God has comforted us--and this, too, to help you; to show you from our personal experience how God will tenderly comfort you when you undergo these same sufferings.  He will give you the strength to endure."  Paul is speaking, and he ought to know.  He was beaten, left for dead, shipwrecked, jailed and tortured--all for spreading the good news.  I don't know how he did it.  It had to be the hand of God.

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