Friday, May 11, 2018

Pat made a very interesting comment about my lost ID card:  "Mom, you remember the story of Abraham answering God's request for the sacrifice of his son Isaac.  Abraham rose up early in the morning, saddled up and headed to the land of Moriah.  He rounded up the flint to strike and start the fire.  He built the altar.  The Bible says he "clave the wood" to place on the altar.  I'm sure he laid twigs and straw to start the fire.  He took a torch in one hand and the knife in the other."

"He had done everything he could in obedience to God, and at the last second--when Isaac asked his father where the sacrifice was--God provided a ram for the offering."

Pat continued, "Well think about it.  You did everything you could. For a week, you looked everywhere you had been.  You went through all your purses and your car.  You searched the house and turned it upside down, all the while praying for God's help.  Only then did you look for both your and dad's birth certificates.  You found dad's discharge papers.  You found his retirement papers.  You found your marriage certificate.  Everything you needed to prove who you were.  You drove to Tinker, were stopped by detours and had to come home.  It was only when you took your car into be serviced, then got in a car you hadn't driven in a month that God answered your prayer.  Sometimes we have to do all we can do before we get an answer.  Abraham did all he could do before God answered his need."

I thought that was a pretty insightful observation because I kept praying that I would find my ID card right up to the last moment when I did.  I was shocked to find it in a car I almost never drive.  I have no idea how it got there.  I wouldn't have looked in Ken's car, or even got into it, if my car hadn't had an emergency and had to go into the shop.

I wonder if God sent the emergency?  Whatever, it was worth it.  The emergency I took my car in for was nothing, but while it was in there, they found something horrible that could have killed me.

Praise God for the way he works things out and intervenes in our lives.  He cares for our every need.  "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28  He has a purpose for your life.

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