Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Eventually you have to give up and go see a doctor--which I did yesterday.  She is sending me to an "ist."  That's what they do when they finally have tried everything. You know, cardiolog-ist, oncolog-ist, urinolog-ist, gastrointolog-ist, etc., etc.

At least that's a step forward?

I have accomplished something during all of this--since I didn't feel like leaving the house and doing anything.  I finished a third book.  It is the story of my grandmother's Jersey cow.  Sort of.  It is really about her. 

Two books are with publishers.  One is hopefully coming out April 30.  I just hope I feel like signing books at the stores the publisher has set up.  On the other hand, there has been a publication date that was missed twice.  Maybe third time is a charm?

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