Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Remember when you were young, in school, and couldn't wait to be a senior so you didn't have to go to school anymore.  You could "graduate."  That was a wish based on faulty information.  The only thing that happened was you didn't get to be around your friends every day and you had to get a job.

Well, I was talking to Carolyn this morning and she said that being a "senior" at our age means we won't have to get a job, and we will be around all of our friends and family (soon) forever.  That's the kind of graduation that everyone can look forward to if you are a Christian.

On Sunday, I asked my class what the steps were to get there. The agreement was: first, you have to hear, to learn that there is a God, second you have to believe he is real, third recognize the condition you are in, fourth accept the sacrifice God made for your sins--Jesus, and fifth, repent.  Then trust Him to do what He said he would do.  Forgive you.  It is all through faith. He wants you to love him back.  He gave you free will.  

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