Friday, February 17, 2023

 Second day in a row that I have felt like I'm going to get back to normal--whatever that is.  No nausea!  Praise God.  I've been one by one adding foods back into my diet to be sure I don't get sick again and not know which food did it.

The thing that made it hard to go through was that I didn't have Squig here to take care of me.  He was my best medicine ever---over everything.

I am working on a sixth book.  About my dad.  Two books are with publishers...I need to submit another one while I have their interest in my writing.  They are very hard to connect with.

For all of your cards (Amy) and phone calls (too many to mention) Thank you.  It was encouraging.  Pat called every morning to see if I was up, Lisa called every day at 5:15 when she got off work to see if I was still ticking.  Becky, Jeanine, Jeanette, and Norma brought food.  God gives us friends to be there for us in times of need.  My friend Carolyn called at least three or four times a day to check on me.  I am blessed.

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