Monday, February 13, 2023

I dropped everything I touched this morning.  My pills on the floor, my phone between my chair and the end table.  The paper cover to the tea bag and when I finally sat down I thought I would surely not drop anything else....such as the cherry pie Jeanette brought me and that I had successfully held on to so I could eat it for breakfast. 

I turned the heating pad on and put the cord across my lap.  And immediately dropped the cord into the cherry pie.  Yes....I licked it clean, let go of it and dropped it into the pie a second time.  At this point, I'm afraid to move!

But I have to go get the paper.  I think I'll go out there with my walker just to be sure....It's probably 50 steps.  I'm sure I'll drop the paper on the way back in.  I blame it on my daughter Pat.  She jarred me awake with a phone call and I didn't have time to stretch before I started my day.  My hands are still asleep????

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