Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Jeanette and I went to Pat’s house, (farm-horses-chickens, etc.) and had barbecue at noon yesterday  with mexican corn, slaw and baked beans, banana pie and were stuffed by mid afternoon.  Then on to Becky’s and hamburgers with a million sides and homemade Porter peach ice cream.   I’m still stuffed.

My new great-grandson Ken Jack Johnston found very quickly that I would feed him my ice cream with a spoon and stood by my side with his mouth open---like a little bird!

My plan for today is to read the paper and work the puzzles.   I brought enough food home to feed me the rest of the week.  And Jeanette brought me a container of home made lemon curd.  Which I love, love, love.   I don’t have to figure out what to eat for four or five days.  Sweet!

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