Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Today, Molly goes to the vet for her surgery.  She will be sore when she comes home...but guaranteed that she will not be a puppy producer.  I’ll also get them to chip her.

I hope all goes well.  I don’t think I could go through losing another dog.  I know.... they do this all the time-----but just not on my dog.  That’s different!!!

I have done my part.  No food for her after 10 PM, nothing to eat or drink this morning.  When she gets home, I’ll spend the day holding her.  So she can be calm and still.  I can do that.

Everyday my prayer is that we don’t lose the electricity for the air conditioner.  Poor people who have no homes and live on the street are suffering in this horrible heat.  The news said that the 15 hottest days in the history of the world have happened this month. We haven’t taken care of our world much less our poor people.

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