Monday, July 10, 2023

Molly and I have come to an agreement.  When I open the back door, she goes out into the yard and does her business.  So far, she is doing everything I ask her to do except “come.”  She will hop in my lap when I ask her to, but if I am standing up, she won’t come.  We’ll get that straightened out.  Food is a motivator. 
Today the agenda is to call the vet and see about getting her spayed. And getting whatever shots Pat didn’t get for her after Pat found her in the middle of the road.
I left her loose in the house when I ran to Braums to get some milk, and when I got back, the chicken I left on the kitchen counter was gone.  Molly said she didn’t eat it!!!
How did she get on the counter??? She is very tiny.  12 pounds, maybe 13.  I have an ingenious little scrapper.  I’m going to have to rethink things.  I’m probably going to get trained instead of Molly.


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