Friday, July 21, 2023

Molly had a tough post surgery day yesterday.  She is pepped up today, but still wants to sit on my lap and sleep.

My publisher came by the house yesterday.  She was thrilled with the way Pryor received my book “The Letter.”  She asked if anyone had said they liked it and what they thought?

I gave her my third book, “The Corsair.”  I had it printed at UPS for her.  It is a rare thing to have a publisher take this kind of interest in you...I am blessed.  She may not like it, but at least she will read it.  

She said she visited Chris Hardy in Pryor and that he had only a few signed books left.  (If you want one.)  I won’t be coming back there to sign any time soon.  “The second book, “The Macau Mavrick” is coming out this fall and if he gets it, I’ll come to Pryor and sign them.  It was fun to see everyone.

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