Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Well, Becky didn’t know Molly was a runner...and opened the front door.   That was entertaining.  Everyone in the neighborhood was involved.  She refuses to “come.”  However... she will get in a car.  I finally came back to the house and got the car and drove down the street and told her to “get in.”  And she did.  We’ll work on that.  I think she thinks we are chasing her and it is a game.

By the time we “caught her” (or she agreed to be caught) I was stressed out of my mind because I had an appointment with a doctor that had taken me three months to get--and we were going to be late.  Which is a critical issue for me.  My mom said being late was breaking one of the commandments, “Thou shalt not steal” because you were stealing someone’s time.  It stayed with me, and I ended up nuts because we were going to be late. I wonder if everybody’s mom stuck something in their head like that???

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