Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday...and it is July.  I don’t know how that happened.  I still don’t know where January went.  Time is passing faster for me than ever before in my life.  And I’m accomplishing less!!.  As Ken would say, “I get up every day with nothing to do and go to bed with it only half done.”

We had a wonderful discussion group yesterday in our Sunday class.  As we have been together for eight years now--we know each other really well, and instead of me being a teacher, I just throw out questions and we search Scripture.  It is a much better way to do class.  We just stay in agreement with the word of God.

Most of the classes I have taught in the past have been filled with people who didn’t study  their lesson very often.  This group always comes prepared.  I look forward to Sundays.

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