Friday, August 2, 2024

I went to breakfast with Ann this morning--as usual on Friday mornings--and ate an entire meal for the first time in a long time.  I-Hops, eggs Benedict.  It was really good.  Then I got my hair done for the first time in weeks.  I feel like a new woman.

I am going to keep the trend up and go to get a hamburger and fries.  I’ve lost 25 pounds and I was at normal weight when all of this started.  I am doing the opposite of most people--I’m trying to gain weight now.  It’s harder than losing it.  I’ve never been in this position before.  Bring on the fat!!

I wish I had never moved to Edmond.  All my friends are in Pryor.  I have two friends here--thank God.  But my girls wanted me to move here so they could take care of me.  However--I rarely see them.  They both have full time jobs.  What I miss--is that in Pryor, everyone knew me.  And had known me for a zillion years.  I didn’t have to prove anything. It just made life easier.  Sally has moved back to Oklahoma.  She feels the same way.  We both just want to go home.

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