Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Well, obviously I am not going to blog every day even with the best intentions.  I forget.  My “forgetter” is operating on high.  My brother ordered a new round of medications for me to start taking and along with the zillion pills I am already on, It has become a full time job keeping up with all of them.  I had been scooping up a handful and just choking them down and forgetting to eat something with it.

So...I am now taking two at a time with a cracker, or something to eat--and it is driving me nuts.  But thank God, my gut isn’t being torn up.  You would think that someone with a pre-med degree would have realized that taking pills on an empty stomach was stupid, but I was doing it and wondering why my stomach was so upset all the time.  Three days now (of paying attention to what I am doing) has paid off, I’m better!!  Duh.

But it has affected everything else I have to do--like blog.  Because I’m always thinking about the next round of meds. next week, I should be off of some of them.  Hallelujah!  I’ll try to do better.

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