Monday, December 24, 2012

And Adam named the animals.   God gave him a job.  God  included man in his work.  He  wanted--he wants--fellowship with His creation.  (Interestingly enough, that pattern continues today.  God has included us.  We are the ones he has charged with the responsibility to spread His gospel to the world.  Christ is born;  He has died for our sins;  He is risen to make intercession with the Father.)

So Adam has Eve.

The animals have names.

The garden is full of trees and fruit vegetables and herbs.

The sun is shining.  No dreary rainy days.  The world is perfect and beautiful.

What else could you want.

Let's see how they can mess this up...the story of every person ever born--mess up your life.

Gen. 2:25  "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."

Let's see how they can mess that up!

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