Thursday, December 6, 2012

So.....God said, "...Let us make man in our image...."  (Gen. 1:26)  Already God is sharing with us his divine nature. Even though the word "Trinity" is not used in the Bible, the word of God tells us about God the Father, God the Word--Jesus--who created all things that were created (John 1:1-3) , and in Gen. 2:7, God the Breath--the Holy Spirit.

And in that same passage He says we are "In his image".  "After his likeness".  You, and I are in the image of God!!!  What exactly can this mean?  Do we look like him?  How can we--when we can't even see him?  It must be something else.  Something different from all the animals that he has created.  Something unique.

I like to think that it involves 'capacity'.  Capacity to interact.  Capacity to think.  Capacity to love.  Capacity to choose.

Then he gives us our job.  He explains why he created us.  He says: "...and let them have dominion over..."

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