Day 7
Genesis 2: 2-3 "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
Seven. We are introduced for the first time to a number that has significance from Genesis to Revelation. Here it seems to represent 'completeness'. We just know it means something to God because he uses it repeatedly in his Word in other circumstances.
He rested. We desperately need rest, but it doesn't seem to mean much in the world we live in. One day is like another. Everyone seems to be exhausted. In your life, find a day and set it aside from your work. Give yourself a day I don't know what work means to you, but for me, gardening is not work. For me it is pure joy. I love to set aside a time each day when I am through with my work to go outside and get my hands in God's earth. But for farmers, planting and harvesting is work. They need rest from it. Whatever your work is, find time to set apart to rest.
Sunday is another rest for me. I teach a class. I go to worship. I renew fellowship with other Christians. I read. Historically, we Christians set Sunday apart for a day of worship.
God blessed the animals. He blessed man. And He blessed the seventh day. Which is Saturday. We honor Sunday because Jesus arose on Sunday. But God went further. He sanctified the seventh day. We usually think of sanctification as a work that God does in us. He finishes us into something pleasing to him. But here he is finishing, bringing to a full end all His creative work.
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