Saturday, December 22, 2012

But now, new animals suddenly appear on the land.  65 million years have gone by without dinosaurs. Scientifically, we find an emergence of completely new animals at the end of this period of 65 million years called the Cenozoic Era.  The time span needed for these new spices to have 'evolved' is statistically impossible.  (Remember I told you that I took a number of statistics classes at the Master's level because I was curious.)  This gives the scientific community a problem.  You only have two choices:  1.  The theory of evolution (which might work on the dinosauric age if you have a very, very vivid imagination.)  And  2:  A supernatural Creator.

Let me say one more time:  The theory of evolution, and the word 'evolution' are two entirely different concepts.  'Evolution' means change over time.  The 'theory of evolution'  means change over time from one thing into an entirely different thing.

When a scientist uses the term "Missing Link," he is talking about the link between one thing and another.  Usually the example that is used is by comparing the apes with humans. But there are billions and billions of missing links between every fossil and every dinosaur that has ever been found.

 If these links exist for any fossil, where are they?  On either side--before, or after.   A link would involve hundreds and hundreds of changes over hundreds of thousands of years--involving hundreds of thousands of fossils.  Where are these fossils called "links"?  Where are they for any fossil.   Just one example would be historic.   Links don't exist at all except in theories.  That is a fact.  

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