And so they both were pronounced dead. They just didn't know what that meant yet. But their innocence was shattered. But wait, it gets worse.
Gen. 3:7 "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons."
The serpent was right about one thing: Their eyes were opened. But the serpent was wrong about everything else. They were not gods. They were "dead man walking"--as they call the prisoner who is condemned to die.
They were reduced to fear, crawling about finding leaves to cover up the very part of themselves that God had intended for their good, for their pleasure. When he created them, the first words that he said to them was to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Have sexual relations with each other. You were joined together: bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. (Gen. 2:23) God wanted more of them. He wanted Adam and Eve to re-plenish the earth.
God intended us to be joined. He intended for our reproduction to be under his blessing. He intended for us to be faithful. To be one with each other.
But now, Adam and Eve are ashamed of their reproductive parts, hence the need for an apron.
And then they heard something. And they hid.
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