Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I was so distracted yesterday by the Moore tornado I couldn't post.  My son and daughter teach at the high school and their baby was at day care.  Everyone at the high school took refuge in the basement or hall.  My daughter stayed with the high school children until late that night because many of them had no where to go and no one picked them up.  We are thanking God that their baby was safe as well.

By God's grace they are all ok.  Of less importance but also a relief, their home was also spared.  Oklahoma is grieving for the parents who lost children and the families who lost loved ones.  The entire situation is horrible.  At times like this we need God.  He is our strength.

I am always blessed by the scripture that comes into my mind when such terrible things happen.  One of my favorite is Psalms 46: 1-2a.

"God is our refuge and strength;  a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, although the earth be removed…"

That's the only way you can bear such tragedy.  In His refuge.

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