Monday, May 13, 2013

Skipping from rainbows to a N.T. verse that I love:  Matthew 6: 33-34  "But first seek the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.  Take therefore no thought for tomorrow:  for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof."

I am a systematic, logical, orderly person.  Although I have emotions like everyone else, I try to always set them to the side to deal with whatever needs to be done now--at this moment.  I try to keep putting one foot in front of the other and deal with my emotions later.  That's probably why I made it day to day with the problems of military life.  Never enough money.  Always moving (19 different directions in 15 years).

I have also seemed to have been a challenge to the medical community.  Not through any fault of my own, that's just the way it happened.  It has slowed me down, but I never have considered the possibility that I should slow down.  I've had some difficulties.

However, for whatever the cause, I am always thinking: "What if".  "What then".  "What will I do if this happens, or that happens."  (Probably why I ended up teaching math for 20 years.)  But if carried to the extreme the "what if, what then, " approach to life can be called "worrying".  If you think about something long enough, hard enough, and if there is no immediate solution  it turns to worry.

Yes, I can take my problems to the Lord.  I just tend to pick them up again when I get off my knees.

That's why the verses I quoted help me.  First things first.  Seek his kingdom and righteousness.  Quit worrying about a day (or something) that hasn't yet come.  Do what you can do right now.  And finally, a friend once told me to think about the last part of those two verses this way:  "One day's trouble is enough for one day."

Remember there is a difference between 'worry', and 'concern'.  One is anxiety.  The other is caring.

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