Thursday, July 11, 2013

After Samuel grew up, Eli died and Samuel judged Israel.  But the people told Samuel that they wanted a king. 

Samuel 8: 5b,"…now make us a king to to judge us like all the nations…" 6b,  "...give us a king to judge us.  And (so) Samuel prayed unto the Lord."  Samuel told God that the Israelites wanted to be like all the other nations and people they knew.  They didn't want a judge.

Samuel was dismayed.  He felt like the people had rejected him.  Did you ever feel rejected?  More than that, have you ever been rejected?  I certainly have and I am sure you have been, too.

But God consoled Samuel by telling him, "…for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them."  Sam. 8:7b.   

God gave up on them and gave them what they wanted.  

It is a terrible thing to get what you want when it isn't God's will.

Maybe that is why Jesus told us in no uncertain terms in the Lord's prayer that we should pray, "...Thy will be done…"  Everything works out better that way.  Remember the line in the song that says, "Thank God for unanswered prayers"?

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