Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Phil.: 2: "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."

It's one thing to humble yourself after you've already been humbled by some event.   Being humble when you have every right to be proud of yourself is a lot more difficult.  I think it would be terribly hard to humble yourself, to become a man and a servant, if you were God.  Why would you want to do it?

Which automatically sends you searching for an answer to that question.  And there is only one answer.  Love.   We certainly didn't deserve it.  But he chose to be made in the likeness of a man so that we could see what He was really like.

There has never been anyone like Jesus in the history of the world.  Unassuming.  Kind in the face of hardship and unfairness.  Telling us to love our enemies.  Whoever heard of such a thing?  Then, or now.  Where would such ideas come from?

The harder question is "Why?"  Why does He love us?  Why love people who reject you, curse you and hate you and everything you stand for?

I don't know.  But He does.  There just isn't any other answer that explains Him coming to earth, becoming a man, humbling himself to become a servant, and dying on a cross for the evil that exists in the world and in ourselves.  We would be hopeless without what God did for us.

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