I am down to almost nothing but cookies in the pantry. I don't like sweets very much, but I may be forced to eat them for breakfast when I run out of Cheerios. After my mom died, my dad ate cookies every morning for breakfast. I told him that they weren't good for him and that he ought to eat something different at least part of the time. I added that they were nothing but flour, sugar and shortening. But he kept eating cookies. He lived to be ninety-four and never had an ounce of fat on his body. Maybe they were okay after all.
When my aunt Lucille died, I took the turquoise canisters that had been on her kitchen counter. They were really old. And very pretty. I put them on top of my kitchen cabinets with some greenery. Well, Monday we were snowed in so I took everything off the top of the cabinets (where did all that junk come from anyway) and ran everything through the dishwasher and packed it all up in boxes. One more step in the process of moving. Packing everything that I don't really need but that brings back happy memories.
Judy Baumart's son Jeremy cooked fish for all of us last night. All of her children and grandchildren were there. They are such a wonderful family and they include me! I've known her children since they were babies. Where did all that time go? I seem to be rambling. Lots of odd thoughts in my head. I'll do better tomorrow.
"...first, seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Therefore, take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. One day's trouble is enough for one day." Matthew 6:33-34
I can't seem to stop thinking about tomorrow!! and the next day, and the next. I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row. "Take no thought for the morrow..." is hard to do.
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