Today I went to see the accountant to do my taxes. Ken always did our taxes and I really have no idea what I am doing. I can do calculus, but I can't do arithmetic. I will invariably add or subtract incorrectly. Thank goodness for calculators. Thank goodness for accountants.
I found out one good thing. None of the insurance money is taxable. I thought the government taxed everything they could think of taxing. The money is gone anyway. It took all of it to get my children to Arlington with me. It was money well spent. It was a once in a lifetime experience. All those Marines. The horses, the wagon, the band. It was huge. Huge.
I am counting days at this point. A week from today I will sign the contract for my new house in Edmond. It will take at least two months to get it ready to move into. Cosmetic things.
I have so many flowers that I want to take with me. I want a start of my mothers phlox. And some irises that came from a Ponca Iris guru. Hostas, lilies, peonies. My flower beds are so overgrown that I can take starts from everything and not leave a dent. I am also going to take some of my asparagus. It takes three years before you can harvest asparagus and I don't want to start all over on it.
In Matthew 6:28, Jesus was telling his followers in the Sermon on the Mount that they shouldn't worry about things. He was reminding us that God is faithful. "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don't toil, neither do they spin. Wherefore, if God clothes the grass of the field...shall he not much more clothe you...?"
I hope everything I transplant will grow.
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