Thursday, February 19, 2015

The two things that make up the Christian life and that are the hardest to do are to trust and obey.  At least for me.  I don't have any problem following rules for obedience.  I would have made a good Pharisee.  Just give me the list and I'll do it.  But trusting--and you can't be a Christian if you don't trust God--trusting is something I have to concentrate on and commit  to as a stipulation for being his child.

I tend to trust myself and turn to God when that doesn't work out.  It is something that I have to dedicate myself to even when I am struggling with my own self will.  That is the battle we fight.  We really don't want the will of God most of the time.  We want him to change His will to ours.  So we have to constantly submit to Him.

As I have grown older, it has become easier.  Because in my heart, I really do want the will of God.  I would just like for Him to discuss it with me and be sure that He knows what He is doing.

Phillipians 2: 12b-13 " out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."  If He weren't doing that, I would be doomed.  He has to do the "willing and the doing" for me.

Paul said, "That which I would not do, I do...that which I would do,  I don't do." Romans 7:15-25  (My short translation.)  He was admitting to the problem of doing the will of God in the day to day struggle.  But he kept at it.

And so must we.

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