Thursday, November 3, 2016

Continuing day five.

 Genesis 1:21  "And God created great whales, (behemoths) and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good."   This is only the second time that the word "Create" appears in the Bible.

This word will be used only one more time in the book of Genesis.  When God creates man.

The evolution theorist says that everything that lives today originated in water.  The Bible agrees to a point.  The Bible says "...which the waters brought forth...".   However, mammals didn't.  They are a new thing.  So is man as we know him today.

There are so many things that I don't have the energy or endurance to tell you about the scientific truth of Genesis, but suffice to say, I am trying to hit the high points.  One thing you might be interested in is the Triassic, Jurassic, and  Cretaceous  periods-- called the Mesozoic Era--goes back 245 million years ago.  At the end of this Era, Dinosaurs became extinct--and that was a very short time ago.  Wham.  Everything changed.  Almost everything vanished.  The fossil record drys up for over 60 million years.  Except for animals that lived in the water.

Now,  how we are supposed to have evolved in the short time--since life on land died out--is a mystery to me.  This is where a good knowledge of statistics comes in handy.  If--as the evolution theorist claims--we are supposed to have evolved from something that simply vanished--it would be statistically impossible in the time left--after the Mesozoic Era--until now, to do it.  Statistically.

We are living in the Cenozoic Era.  And only in the tiny last part of this Era does man appear.

God was done with dinosaurs.  He started a new kind of life.  He created great whales, (mammals).  He..."created every living creature that moves..."  He created new animals.  A different kind.

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