So. While I have been writing about how God will put someone in your path to explain something to you when you are confused, something happened yesterday that reinforced that truth.
I had a doctor's appointment--one of those "every six months come in so that we can check you out" kind of appointments. And while I am waiting, a young nurse engaged me in a conversation that quickly became Christian in content. We talked for over thirty minutes about the problems she faced as a black woman, and mother of a young son.
I shared experiences with her. She was so eager to hear what I had to say, and told me: "This morning, I shut my bedroom door, got on my knees and prayed to God that he would send me someone to help me think through the problems that I was facing. I can't believe that he has answered me so quickly. You don't know how much you have helped me."
I have no idea what I said that helped her. But I gave her my card, and that evening she texted me to thank me.
I wonder how many times I have missed the opportunities that God has put in my path. How many times have you missed the opportunity that God has put in your path?
We are here on earth as ambassadors for Christ. However, it takes awareness. It takes boldness. It takes preparation in God's word.
Once you have a heart for recognizing the opportunity, God will use you for his work.
It sure does feel good. And I've made a new friend. That's what it's all about.
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