Monday, November 28, 2016

Last Friday, I wrote that you need to choose good friends.  I was so inspired by that thought, that I got up on Saturday morning and drove to Pryor to see Carolyn and go to church and see all of my real friends.  The ones who have known me all my life--warts and all--and still love me.  It was wonderful.  I either got a hug or a smooch from everyone I knew and a few that I didn't.

And the pastor taught the best sermon I've ever heard on the Mosaic law.  His main point was that we are very judgmental of others.  And that is a sin because we have all broken the law.   One of those "Take the log out of your own eye before you try and take the speck out of your brother's eye" kind of sermons.

And I got to hear my friend Carolyn teach a lesson--which was excellent.  She is always excellent.  I had gotten a substitute for my class here so that I could have a weekend mini-vacation.  That's the first time I've been been to Pryor on a Sunday since I moved to Edmond.  I'm rejuvenated.  I miss being there.  You can't take your reputation with you when you move.  Of course you wouldn't want to if it was bad.

I left here at 7 AM and there were no cars on the turnpike.  I bet I didn't meet 20 on the eighty miles to Tulsa.  And there was a dense, dense fog.  That's when you get behind a semi and drive their tail-lights.  But I couldn't find a semi.  However, coming back to Edmond on Sunday evening, the road was bumper to bumper.  I've never seen so many cars.  And it was pouring down rain.  Difficult.

I got to hug Amy Smith.  She writes me encouraging notes on a regular basis.  I would name every friend I saw, but I would surely leave someone out.

Now that thanksgiving is over, remember that we have to continue to be thankful in our hearts every day.  The apostle Paul said it this way:  "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."   1 Thessalonians 5:18.  He didn't say "for" everything.  He said "in" everything.  We can all do that.

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