We're still in day five. God finally speaks to his creation: Genesis 1:22 "And God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let (there is that word 'let' again) fowl multiply in the earth.'" These are the first words that God has spoken.
I love blessings. "And God blessed them." Sometimes our pastor reads a blessing from the Bible at the end of our church service. I find comfort in the fact that the God we worship started his dialog with the world in the form of a blessing. He told all of his creatures to reproduce. God invented reproduction--and blessed it.
When you study embryonic division of cells, the miracle of the creation of life is indescribable. One cell divides. Then both of those cells divide. Cells divide again and again. And each new cell knows what to become. Our God is an awesome God.
At this period in the life of the earth, new animals appear--and this is not so long ago in geological time. Note: We are not evolving anything new. Today, animals are becoming extinct. Hundreds of species vanish each day. The dinosaurs appeared millions of years ago, then they start disappearing, not evolving into other creatures. They died off. Gone.
And yet, all at once, an entire plethora of animals appear on earth. Scientists struggle to explain this. They keep looking for missing links. Problem is, there are millions and millions of missing links--and nothing in strata to validate an evolutionary process. Nothing to explain the appearance of these new species. That is, nothing except a miracle.
Genesis 1:23 "And the evening and the morning were the fifth day."
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