Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving.  Of course, we are thankful every day.  But it is a good thing to set a day apart to remember how God has blessed us.  What a privilege to live in America.  To know God.  To have people who love us.

I fed eleven people last night.  They just kept coming.  It's wonderful.  And they stayed through the night.   Every bed in my house was full and the sofas as well.  We ate ham and potato salad and baked beans and water melon.  And we had enough voices to sing all the old hymns.  All we needed was an alto.   I'm going to have to get my piano tuned.  It was the only thing out of key.

Becky is having everyone over today for turkey later.  Everyone brings food.  Becky bakes pies.  Eight of them from scratch.  I may just skip the turkey and go straight to the pie.

Two of my great grandchildren came and stayed last night.   Hallie is four and Haven is 15 months.  So much fun.  What a blessing that my grandchildren come and see me and stay for a couple of days. Of course, I love my children, but my grandchildren and great-grand children--well, those of you who have them understand.

God bless you and yours.

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