Friday, November 10, 2017

It is amazing how dependent I have become on my Mac.  I have been 7 days without it since I broke the screen.  It felt like I had lost my right arm.  Funny, 20 years ago I wouldn't have even know how to use it--or what to do with it if I did know how to use it.

I have gone though my regular routine every morning, but when I got to the part where I edited and posted, I found myself reading the funny papers instead.  I realized that I have read a zillion comic strips in my time, and none of them comes close to "Peanuts."  The characters are so true to themselves.  Year after year.  And now that they are being repeated, it shows that they are timeless.  So heart-warming and funny.

In the Sunday paper, there are a lot of "trial" strips.  Mostly stupid.  Inane.  Rude.  Ignorant.  I wonder who can stand to read them.  Or why they would want to?  Every now and then, I read one or two of the new ones just to see if I have changed my mind.  I haven't.  Unfunny.  Just dumb.  Whatever happened to "Popeye?"  If Charles Schultz can die (in 2000), and Peanuts is just as funny as ever, why couldn't those other old strips be repeated?  They were certainly better than what is currently being written.

It's like wishing for Bob Hope, Jackie Gleason, Fibber Magee and Mollie, or Jack Benny.   Or Red Skelton.  They were just funny.  No dirt, no bad words.  Just comedy.  Maybe I am over the hill, but when you depend on four letter words to make a joke, something is wrong.  This generation of writers and comedians don't seem to understand irony.  Or dramatic pauses.

Enough.  I'll try to get back to something worth discussing on Monday.  Get back in the groove.  After 7 days not typing, my fingers aren't connected to my brain.

God bless you for staying with me.  My friend Sally (lives in Hattisburg, Miss.) and I are going to study Ephesians on the phone starting next week.  That's probably what I'll be writing about.


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