Wednesday, November 1, 2017

There is really only one question that a person must ultimately come to grips with.  And that is: does he think the world--and all that is in it--is the result of intelligent design, or happenstance.  A person must, along with Descartes, conclude one or the other."

Descartes said, "I think, therefore, I am."  You can read the entire "Proof" of Descartes--which is pages and pages long.  He was a mathematician who set out to prove through "if/then" statements the existence of a supreme being.  I read the entire proof.  His logic is faultless.

"Intelligent design" is the current politically correct definition for anything that is not evolutionary in design.  The Cambrian period, in archaeological history, has upset the apple cart of evolution-theory, because there are no precursors for Cambrian life.  Which means that life in the Cambrian period just kind of "popped up" out of nowhere.  And there are eight or more totally different kinds of life in that period.  None of which have precursors.  No strata evidence.  Nowhere in the world.

I think, therefore:  Things don't just pop up out of nowhere.  You need natural selection from somewhere.  Something previous.  Or evolution of some sort.  Or you need a creative event.

Intelligent design would include these concepts: 1. That we came from some outer-space planet, or 2. That there is a Supreme being that designed all of the universe.  If we  came from another planet, who designed the people on that planet?  So ultimately, intelligent design has a name:  God.  But that word doesn't have a place in the current scientific community.

I've made my choice and I call it "God."   It is the one question that every person must answer.

Which brings me to the second question:  Is there life after death?  I've made my choice.  If Jesus was God--which I logically came to the conclusion that He was.  (Read my account on Thomas.)  Then, did he conquer death?  The resurrection accounts of dozens and dozens of people at different times and different places have been recorded and validated.

He arose.  He conquered death.  And we will live again with Him.  Forever.  Praise God.

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