Friday, November 17, 2017

There's no way I can do every verse in Ephesians, but I will comment on parts of it.

In 1:13-14, Paul says, "...when you trusted in Christ...after hearing the word of truth...after you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance..."  Earnest is a word that means down payment.  We get His Holy Spirit as a down payment now  We get the rest in heaven.  We are heirs.  "Now if we are children (of God), then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ." Romans 8:17                                     

Finishing the first chapter, Paul tells them that he prays for them--prays that God would give them the spirit of wisdom and knowledge of Him, and that their eyes might be opened.

That's what we all want.  The ability to use knowledge--which is wisdom.

Someone asked me the other day if I was biased in any way.  I answered, "Yes.  I am.  I don't tolerate ignorance very well.  Stupid, I can tolerate.  Stupid can't help itself.  But ignorance drives me nuts."

There is another thing that I don't deal with very well in people, and that is when they have absolutely no knowledge as to what they are talking about, but proceed to expound upon their "opinion" anyway.  And trying to  have a conversation with them just makes it worse.  No point in trying.
When I know a little bit about a subject, rather than offer an opinion, I sometimes say, "Humm...That's an interesting thought."  Best to keep my mouth shut when I encounter "ignorant."  That kind of person doesn't want to listen, or they already would have done it.

But if someone wants to listen, I know something about God's word--especially Paul's letters.  I take the verse seriously that says, "Be ready to give an answer to anyone that asks a reason of the hope that is within you..."  I try to be "ready" in those cases.  Note the words "that asks."

That's what studying the Word of God is all about.  Being ready when someone asks.  Hitting someone over the head with your opinion--on something Biblical--doesn't work very well.

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