Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Yesterday for the first time since I moved to Edmond, I got in the car and drove to Oklahoma City for an appointment without using my GPS.  I knew where I was going and how to get there.  Yea!  It has taken me all this time to get comfortable with the highways in this area.  There are a lot more "angled" roads than there are in Tulsa.  Of course I've lived in the Tulsa area most of my life.

Navigation.  Some people don't read the Bible because they don't know how to navigate through it.  I would suggest you start in the Gospel of Luke or John, read through Acts and Romans and then read the rest of the short letters written by Paul, James, John and Peter--eliminating Revelation.  You would think that would be too much, but actually it's only a few pages.  If you hold your Bible up sideways and put your thumb between the New and Old Testaments, you will find that you are looking at less than a fifth of the pages in the Bible.  It's really really short.  Less than 1/4 inch wide.

My second suggestion would be that you underline passages that jump out at you.  I do my underlining in green when I memorize a verse.  But the rest of it is in pencil or pen.  Just get used to marking it.  I write in the margins as well--when I hear someone say something about a verse that I want to remember.

Skip the rest of the Bible for a later time.  If you get discouraged in your life, read some of the Psalms.  If you don't know what to do in a situation, read Proverbs.  Other than that, there isn't much you need to read when you are starting out.  But what  is there is powerful.

The Old Testament is for scholars who study prophecy and it's fulfillment in Jesus.  Which is important because it validates who He was. You can read all of that later.

In Ephesians 3:16-17 Paul gives us a reason to read.  " be his Spirit in the inner man...that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith..." so that you can know and comprehend the love of Christ.  Reading God's words gives us strength for times of trouble.  And lifts our Spirits.

If we believe in life after death, we would do ourselves a favor to learn about it.

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