Tuesday, November 28, 2017

My next door neighbor on the South is a retired minister.  He and his wife are really good to me.  If I have a problem, they seem to know what it is and take care of it.  Yesterday, my front exterior door wasn't catching exactly right.  Later--it was.  Dean fixed it.  He noticed it wasn't right and just did it without being asked.  His wife Jeanine had asked me over for tea--and while I was eating cake and drinking tea, my front door was restored.  They do things like that for me all the time.

Why?  Because they have a heart to help others.  I think they have adopted me.  God provides for our needs and He plopped me down in a perfectly, heavenly place to live.  My neighbors across the street are just as nice.  Every week Linda fixes beans and Mexican cornbread and sends me dinner.  She will send me something to eat other times during the week as well.

The other night, Linda and John were out of town and someone or something was in my back yard.  I called John--not knowing he wasn't home--and John immediately called a neighbor down the street.  Within a minute or two, this neighbor was knocking on my door with a strobe light and a gun--and proceeded to "case the joint."  All was well.

Why?  Because they all have hearts willing to help others.  Last night, Craig and Becky came by.  Craig set up my online banking account while he was here.  And cleaned the Koi pond filter.  And reset the timer on a display case in the hall--it has a light that I use as a nightlight.  My electricity was out last week and all the timers were "off."  He replaced my front porch lights that had burned out.  Becky brought me a box of anklets--she knows my feet get cold.

Why?  Because they have hearts to help me.  And others.  Becky is forever taking food to people she knows who are in need of some help.  She gets eggs from Pat to take to a friend who is sick and needs eggs that don't have all that antibiotic junk in them.  And Pat sends me fresh farm eggs as well.

Pat called this morning to see if I was ok.  Did I need anything?  Lisa calls every day between 5 and 5:30 as she is driving home from work to check on me.  Carolyn called last night to see if my sinus infection was better.  I am so blessed.  I am so grateful.  Family and friends are God's gifts.

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