Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Salvation by grace--not good works.  This letter, Ephesians is the letter that defines that concept.  Paul, who had lived his entire life by the law and good works, is ecstatic about what God has done through grace--and wants to make it absolutely clear to people that it is a gift.

Eph.2:8-10,15 "For by grace you are saved through faith; and that is not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any one should boast.  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ  Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them...having abolished in his flesh...the law of commandments contained in ordinances.."

Those verses are the clearest and most concise description of how we come to God.  It is by faith in Jesus.  Period.  His atoning death and resurrection.  We believe.  We have faith in Him.  Nothing you can do will earn it.  Jesus paid it all.

However, our lives are a constant testimony to the world of who we are.  After salvation, our desire is to please God.  It isn't because there are rules, it is because we love him that we want to live by His design for our lives.  Are we perfect?  No, we fail.  But we pick ourselves up and with his grace, we try once more.  I personally don't want to do anything that would bring the Father shame.  I personally don't want to feel God's disappointment in me--because I love Him and am so thankful for what he has done for me.  But that is not what saves me.  He Himself, is my salvation.

You and I are the children of God, in different stages of growing up.  You and I must not judge another child of God.  You wouldn't give a baby a steak and baked potato and salad and say, "Enjoy!"  Christians start out wherever they are and start growing.  "For he is our peace, who has...broken down the middle wall of partition between us." Eph. 2:14.

Our job is to love each other, encourage each other, provide for each other and be a help in time of trouble.  Just because you have conquered something in your own life doesn't give you the right to judge someone who hasn't.  Help them.

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