Thursday, February 6, 2020

Getting Squig to go out in the snow has been a challenge.  He doesn't exactly walk in it, he picks each individual foot up and places it in a downward manner until he reaches grass and then moves another foot.  One foot at a time.

I picked Becky's dog Annie up when I went to get Squig at the groomer.  They went out in the backyard and had different approaches to the snow.  Squig walked in small circles not braving getting too far from the back door. 

Annie, on the other hand headed straight out into the yard and was soon lost in  snow up to her ears.  She is almost blind and deaf and wouldn't come when I called her.  She ended up plowing into a drift staring at a brick wall.  I had to go out in the snow and get her because she couldn't hear me calling her.

They both came in covered with snow that had stuck to them in wet clumps, shook it all off on the carpet, and proceeded to lick up what they shook off.  Which was nice since I didn't have to clean it up.

I hear we got over four inches.  Which was much deeper in my back yard in the drifts.  I like it.  It waters everything slowly which is good for the plants.

One more month and I can get going on the garden.  I pulled up all the dead okra stalks the other day.  Now I have to get them to the street on the day the truck comes that takes odds and ends of stuff.

Just thinking about it gets me revved up.

I'll do my part and God can do His.

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