Friday, February 14, 2020

  Today, I have my grandson Stephen here with me, he came from Dallas.  That's why I didn't post yesterday, time got away from me--and on top of that--I forgot to go to choir.  I can't do two things at once!  (His wife is coming this evening for Valentine's day as well.)

And this evening, my other grandson, Sam, is coming with his daughter--who is three years old--and bringing a friend.   So that is five people for dinner??  You always know when it's going to be a spaghetti night.  All I have to do now is go get french bread.

At teacher's meeting Wednesday night, I asked why one of the eight covenants that God made (with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, etc...) was called The Palestine Covenant--since that word is never used in the Bible in that way.  I figured there was a real Biblical reason they didn't name it the Israeli covenant.   

A couple of Seminary graduates stared at me like I was in left field.  Finally, one of them said, "I've never heard anyone ask that question before."

I got the impression that since nobody had ever asked that question before, that I was the one in left field.  Probably was.  Just curious.  I actually thought there was a reason??

My education director--whom I adore, he is such a great person--came over where I was at during a dinner the church was having the next day--and gave me a print out of why it was named that name.  He said he was curious about it too so he did some research on it.

There isn't a reason.  Somebody just named it that.  It was probably a stupid question.  Sometimes I guess I ask stupid questions.  It's probably best not to ask dumb questions.  My problem is that I never know my question is stupid until after I've asked it.

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