Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The last few weeks Facebook is cram full of people attacking elected political leaders and political candidates.   Belittling the way they look, the way they talk, everything mean and cruel they can find to say about a person.

Makes me think I am back in the seventh grade on the playground and the bullies have found the weakest person to torment.  I don't understand why people do this.  It seems to be an especially male thing to do.  Gang up on the weakest guy.

I'm sure girls do it too, but in a more underhanded behind your back kind of way.  But most of what is on Facebook is from the masculine "Tear a person apart with words" point of view instead of discussing issues.  I find it very disturbing.  It is the mentality of "whoever-is-the-cruelest-person" wins.

Either way, it is hurtful.  And it is mean.  And it is beneath human dignity.

If you don't like Republican policy, or if you don't like Democrat's policy, attack their issues, not the person.

The thing is, there are Christians on both sides.  My mom always said to defend the person who is under attack.  You don't have to agree with them.  And when you express your views, do it in a respectful way.  

Right now, in America, respect is out the window.  Rude, caustic, mean, cruel language is in--including cursing and every low-life cuss word you ever heard.

I for one, am tired of it.  It just further divides people.  And I have a tendency to try and protect the underdog.  On either side.  Right now I am disgusted with everyone in politics, and all the supporters who are denigrating the other side.

I would like to live in the Kingdom of Heaven in peace.

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