Monday, February 10, 2020

I don't like to wait.  It's a personality flaw.  Ken didn't have that trait.  He was the most patient person I've ever known.  I don't have any of that quality.  He must have spent a zillion hours waiting on me.  And never complained.

Perhaps it was his Marine Corps twenty one years of waiting.  Waiting in the slot to land.  Waiting on the tarmac for an ETD.  Waiting on orders, etc., etc.

I want what I want right now.  It makes the Christian life difficult because God doesn't seem to work on my time table.

I have been writing my prayers down on a paper I keep by the bed.  And dating the request.  And dating the answer.  Out of 24 written requests, two have been answered since Jan. 1.  I've been waiting for the other 22 to be answered for forty days.  Like I said, waiting isn't one of my good traits. 

Someone once told me that I am not in charge of God's timetable.  And that prayer isn't just about asking for things.  I use the acronym ACTS to pray, or I would always be asking, asking, asking.

A--Adore Him.
C--Confess where you have failed Him.
T--Thank Him for all of his blessings
S--Supplicate--ask (last).

Asking is last, last, last.

I get hung up when I get to Thanksgiving as I use this method because there is just so much to be thankful for.  Being born American.  To Christian parents.  My hands, my eyes, my hearing, my friends, my children and family, my garden...and can't find a place to stop thanking Him.  That keeps me on track to delay the asking part of prayer.  It also helps keep my prayers in perspective. 

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