Tuesday, February 4, 2020

I've been reading the Psalms every evening when I crawl in bed for the night.  The theme of many Psalms is Praise.

But there is also David's desire for God to destroy David's enemies.  Even though he was a mighty warrior, he knew he couldn't stop the people who wanted to destroy him.  That God would have to do it.

And he was insistent in his pleas to God, that God get rid of the people who didn't want to follow God.  He wanted them wiped out.  And had a hard time understanding why God let them continue to persecute Israel.  He never doubted God's ability to do anything God wanted to do.  He never doubted the power of God.  He just wanted to be sure God was on his side.

One thing is sure.  David wanted God's hand in his life.  He wanted God to hear him, listen to him and grant his pleas.  David knew that ultimately, God was in control of the universe.  That ultimately, nothing depended on himself.  That everything depended on God.

When I read the Psalms that David wrote and collected, it is easy to see why he was a, "...man after God's own heart."  He wasn't perfect, but he was always repentant.  And always ready to give God glory.  And always ready to do better.

You have to admire the guy.

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