Thursday, February 20, 2020

We have been studying Deuteronomy (in the Bible) for the last three months.  Moses wrote it, and is at the end of his life, addressing the people of the second generation of those who fled Egypt.  The first generation died because they didn't do what they were supposed to do--what God told them.

They are getting ready to cross over into the promised land and Moses is warning them of the temptations ahead.  Moses isn't going to get to go in with them to the place he has spent years and years leading them toward.  Moses messed up and his punishment is harsh.

But he struck a rock to get water instead of speaking to it in the name of God--which God had told him to do.  Moses was going to be the hero instead of giving God the glory for the water.  In his defense, Moses was angry.  How many times we err because we are angry. 

Joshua is going to lead them in.  Moses lays hands on him and blesses him to do the job Moses wanted and planned to do.

Deuteronomy is Moses last hurrah.  He wrote the first five books of the Bible and this is the fifth book.  

He spent his first forty years as a prince.  Another forty years in a wasteland with people who complained constantly and wanted to go back to Egypt.  And he died without accomplishing his goal.  But one of the last verses in Deuteronomy is from chapter 34--written after he died and probably added by Joshua.  Verse 10.  "And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face."

He never gave up on doing what God called him to do.  

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